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Oasys GSA

Oasys GSA

Free Download Oasys GSA full version standalone offline installer for Windows. It is a comprehensive structural analysis program with versatile design capabilities.

Overview of Oasys GSA

With Oasys GSA, you can analyze the structural design of any structure that needs to be iterated through many cycles of geometry definition, internal force analysis, and code design. GSA gives engineers versatile analysis and design software that integrates well within traditional and parametric workflows.

Why should I buy it?
Engineers who analyze and design anything from small structures to complex buildings use Oasys GSA. With a wide range of analysis options, including a model debugging stability analysis, modal analysis, linear buckling, footfall vibration analysis, detailed nonlinear analysis, and form-finding capabilities to meet the demands of any project, GSA allows the user to manipulate and check the model.

Bidirectional interoperability with many industry-standard software packages, including Revit and Grasshopper, allows the software to work seamlessly with traditional and parametric workflows. APIs connect to developers' scripts.

With GSA, versatile design capabilities such as slab bending and axial reinforcement can be calculated for any geometric shape (even curved slabs) with rebar oriented at any angle in the plane of the slab or steel design checks (including automatic unbraced length calculations). Optimization can be carried out for various section profiles and codes. A customizable set of saved graphical outputs can be directed to calculation packages.

Features of Oasys GSA

  • Oasys GSA provides a simple and advanced structural analysis of any structure
  • Enables steel frame and concrete slab design to many design codes
  • It integrates with Revit, Grasshopper, LS-DYNA, OpenSees, and IDEAStatiCa
  • Generate the organic geometry for compression-only structures such as grid shells and slender arches
  • Powerful dynamic relaxation non-linear solver to form a finding using soap film
  • Force density and structural properties to find the optimum structural arrangement

Technical Details and System Requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
  • RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 1GB or more

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File Information

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Oasys GSA

Created ByOasys Software
License Typefull_version
Uploaded ByKamel
Total Downloads0

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File Name: Oasys GSA


268 Mb

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