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StataCorp Stata MP

StataCorp Stata MP

Free Download StataCorp Stata MP 16 for Windows PC also known as Stata/MP provides the most extensive multicore support of any statistics and data management package. Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Almost every computer can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing capabilities of Stata/MP.

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Overview of StataCorp Stata MP 16 Benefits

Stata/MP lets you analyze data in one-half to two-thirds the time compared with Stata/SE on inexpensive dual-core laptops and in one-quarter to one-half the time on quad-core desktops and laptops. Stata/MP runs even faster on multiprocessor servers. Stata/MP supports up to 64 cores/processors.

Stata/SE can analyze up to 2 billion observations. Stata/MP can analyze 10 to 20 billion observations on the largest computers currently available and is ready to analyze up to 1 trillion observations once computer hardware catches up. Stata/MP also allows 120,000 variables compared to 32,767 variables allowed by Stata/SE.

Some procedures are not parallelized and some are inherently sequential, meaning they run the same speed in Stata/MP. For a complete assessment of Stata/MP's performance, including command-by-command statistics.

Stata/MP is the multiprocessor and multicore version of Stata. It's primary purpose is to run faster. Most of the new features in Stata have been parallelized to run faster on Stata/MP, sometimes much faster.

Overview of StataCorp Stata MP 16 Features

  • Bayesian multilevel models
  • Panel-data tobit with random co-efficients
  • Multilevel regression for interval-censored data
  • Multilevel tobit regression for censored data
  • Panel-data cointegration tests
  • Tests for multiple breaks in time series
  • Multiple-group SEM for continuous, binary, ordered, and count outcomes
  • Multiple-group multilevel SEM
  • ICD-10-CM/PCS
  • Power analysis for cluster randomized designs
  • Power analysis for linear regression models
  • Heteroskedastic linear regression
  • Poisson with sample selection
  • Zero-inflated ordered probit
  • Add your own power and sample-size methods
  • Transparency on graphs
  • Stream random-number generator

Technical Details and System Requirements

To run Stata/MP, you can use a desktop computer with a dual-core or quad-core processor, or you can use a server with multiple processors. Whether a computer has separate processors or one processor with multiple cores makes no difference. More processors or cores make Stata/MP run faster.

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File Information

File Name

StataCorp Stata MP 16.0 Rev 2019-07-24 x64

Created ByStataCorp LLC
License Typefull_version
Uploaded BySonx
Total Downloads0
statistics, data-science

Previous version


File Name: StataCorp Stata MP 16.0 Rev 2019-07-24 x64

Version: 16.0

362 Mb
415 Mb

File Name: StataCorp Stata MP 15.1 x64

Version: 15.1

983 Mb

File Name: StataCorp Stata MP 5.0 build 578 x64

Version: 15.0 578

415 Mb

File Name: StataCorp Stata MP / 14.2 for Windows x86 x64

Version: 14.2

1.18 Gb

File Name: Stata 13 MP Build 0 x86 x64 [2014, ENG]

Version: 13

310 Mb

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